0312-8152616 ld@ludeqz.com

Current Location:Home > Product Center >Monorail car

Monorail car

Electric car

post time:2018-03-16 11:19:55

Detailed description

The electric car is a product that matches the electric hoist, it can be connected with the gourd, and it can walk on the large crane such as I-beam, crane and cantilever crane, so as to realize the horizontal movement of the heavy load.

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Product information:

Qingyuan Lutheran Lifting Equipment Co., Ltd

Company address: Qingyuan District, Baoding, Hebei
Postcode: 071100
Company phone: 0312-8152616
Company fax: 0312-8151199
E-mail: ld@ludeqz.com
Company website: http://www.ludelift.com/
Mobile phone number: 13700325285

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Qingyuan Luther lifting equipment manufacturing Co., Ltd.