0312-8152616 ld@ludeqz.com

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Monorail car

Hand pull monorail trolley

post time:2018-03-16 11:16:11

Detailed description

Hand monorail trolley is a kind of simple structure, convenient operation and small auxiliary hoisting machinery, it can be used with hand chain hoist, chain electric hoist supporting lifting products composed of lifting vehicle, run freely flange has a radius of curvature in the I-steel track can be used for transporting goods, equipment etc.. The hand pull monorail car is light in self weight, compact in structure and convenient in operation. The rated weight is from 0.5T to 10t, and the specifications are complete.
Hand drawn monorail car for different track width requirements, adjust the washer, installed on the inside or outside of the wall plate to adjust. The products are insured by the quality responsibility of the Chinese people's property, and you can be sure to choose and use them.

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Product information:

Qingyuan Lutheran Lifting Equipment Co., Ltd

Company address: Qingyuan District, Baoding, Hebei
Postcode: 071100
Company phone: 0312-8152616
Company fax: 0312-8151199
E-mail: ld@ludeqz.com
Company website: http://www.ludelift.com/
Mobile phone number: 13700325285

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Qingyuan Luther lifting equipment manufacturing Co., Ltd.