0312-8152616 ld@ludeqz.com

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Hoisting tackle

Hoisting tackle

post time:2018-03-16 11:13:45

Detailed description

Crane is a kind of important lifting tool, it has the advantages of simple structure, convenient use, can change the pulley and the pulley block multiple traction rope direction and lifting or moving operation objects, especially the pulley group, composed of a combination of pulleys with winch, mast or other crane, widely used in construction and installation work.
Our lifting pulley includes hook type pulley, pulley, pulley rings type chain; the single wheel pulley, multi wheel pulley, a fixed pulley and a fixed pulley block configuration, product specifications from 0.5-200 tons, train from a single turn of the eight round, with hanging hook, chain, hanging ring, hanging beam four, for the user to choose.

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Product information:

Qingyuan Lutheran Lifting Equipment Co., Ltd

Company address: Qingyuan District, Baoding, Hebei
Postcode: 071100
Company phone: 0312-8152616
Company fax: 0312-8151199
E-mail: ld@ludeqz.com
Company website: http://www.ludelift.com/
Mobile phone number: 13700325285

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Qingyuan Luther lifting equipment manufacturing Co., Ltd.